Petkim and Arçelik Workers on Strike

In Bursa, metal workers had gone out on strike. Now, Petkim and Arçelik LG workers are on strike.
Labour Contract crisis in Petkim
On May 27 workers of Petkim Petrokimya Holding A.Ş.’de (Petro Chemistry Holding Corporation/Petkim) in İzmir province went on strike due to disagreement in labor contract.
1500 Petkim workers, members of Petroleum Workers’ Union (Petrol-İş), started boycott. Workers didn’t leave the facility although the shift ended. Workers didn’t allow the products to be removed.
Ahmet Oktay, Branch Chairperson of Petrol-İş, said the promises weren’t kept related to the labor contract.
Petkim made a written statement and indicated the negations over labor contract would be appealed to High Board of Arbtration.
General Manager of Petkim, Sadettin Korkut, said labor contract should be agreed with mutual understanding.
Arçelik halted production due to resignarion from the union
350 workers of Arçelik LG in Kocaeli province (in East Marmara) resigned from Metal Workers Trade Union of Turkey (Türk Metal) on May 27. Production stopped. It was announced that the production wouldn’t go on until the weekend. (BK/BD)
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