Petition for an ‘autonomous and free’ Boğaziçi University

* Photo: Can Candan
Click to read the article in Turkish
Since Melih Bulu was appointed as a rector to Boğaziçi University from outside its community by President and ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on January 2, the constituencies of the university have been protesting this appointment.
While the protests of the students, academics and alumni of Boğaziçi University have been ongoing on different platforms for over six months now, an online petition has been launched on website, underlining that a university "has to be autonomous and free."
The campaign has been launched by Hülya Ekşigil, Sibel Asna, Yazgülü Aldoğan, Cenk Erdem, Gila Benmayor, Oya Başak, Zeynep Oral, Banu Tesal, Emine Çaykara, Binnaz Toprak, Sima Benaroya, Sevil Gence, Ayşe Kadıoğlu and Nuran Terzioğlu on behalf of the Autonomous University Defenders. The platform has made the following call to people in the petition:
"We cannot stay silent in the face of what has been happening at Boğaziçi University, which is one of the most precious institutions of education in the country. We are on the side of a free, autonomous, science- and meritocracy-oriented education befitting the 21st century.
"By signing this petition, let's lay claim to the future of our young people who come from different regions and different conditions of the country amid all types of hardships and have found the opportunity to receive education at Boğaziçi University, a public university.
"In order for universities to protect the values that they are required to have, we need to defend their autonomy and freedom and an education based on meritocracy and science till the end.
"Please support this campaign and defend Boğaziçi University, which is one of the most precious scientific institutions of our country. For our future, for our young people and for our children..."
Click here for the petition (in Turkish)