Petition Against School Starting Age

Although it's been two months since Law 6287, which regulates the school starting age and known as 4+4+4, entered in force, the reactions against and discussions on the implications still continue full force.
The online petition campaign launched is one of these reactions. '5,5 years of age is too early to start school' campaign launched at notes several key points about the new education law.
" Our demand is to change the decision of compulsory school starting age at 5,5 years old; the parents should be the ones to decide on this."
" The regulation states that any children 66-67-68 months of age should be registered to elementary school as of September 30, 2012; however we believe it's more appropriate for children at these ages to go to kindergartens, primary school preparatory classes (pre-school education). The children should be registered to elementary school with the written consent of their parents and 'lack of physical development' requirement in order to be able to be accepted to pre-school education institutions should be eliminated."
'The re-regulation of the age ranges' is one of the demands of the campaign.
Inequality of Education
"According to the new education system, the children are directed to career training at their second four-years of education period which is inconvenient. We believe that if the first 8 years of education focus on the acquisition of life skills, the inequality of education for children will be minimized and so, our children will be able to compete with their peers abroad. "
Law No 6287 was passed after long debates by 295 votes against 91 votes at the Parliament on March 30. The People's Republic Party had submitted the law to the Constitutional Court with the request of repealing; however the Constitutional Court refused the demand on 24 May. (YY)
Click here for the online petition campaign.