Perpetrators of Journalist Ahmet Hakan Testify

İstanbul 6th Criminal Court of Peace made a statement about the releasement of 6 detainees who had attacked journalist Ahmet Hakan; six people were released for lack of evidence.
The court charged one of the perpetrators, Ahmet Şengüler, with deliberately injuring and arrested him.
Perpetrators K.E., F.E. and U.A. were released on probation while former special operations police officer Y.K.G, former policemen N.Ö and S.A who were allegedly instigators were released for lack of evidence.
Journalist Ahmet Hakan was attacked on September 30, in front of his house after he presented his TV show “Tarafsız Bölge"(Neutral Zone) on channel CNN Türk.
Testimonies of the perpetrators
One of the perpetrators, K.E. stated they had been offered 29, 850 Euros for attacking the journalist but they denied their testimonies in the court after they were taken from the police station.
These are the summary of the testimonies of perpetrators K.E., F.E. and U.A. :
K.E.: They offered 29, 850 Euros
A person identifying himself as a bank manager said he had troubles with Ahmet Hakan and if we beat the journalist, he would pay us 29, 850 Euros.
F.E.: National Intelligence Organization and a leader have a finger in
Y.K.G., said to us: “There is a man we should beat: Journalist Ahmet Hakan! He says he is voting for Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and instigates people to vote for HDP. We should bring him down. National Intelligence Organization (MİT), Police Department and a leader have a finger in, they gave the instructions."
U.A.: Statesmen ordered it
Y.K.G., said to us: “Statesmen ordered us to beat Hakan. Ahmet Hakan is a traitor. He tries to split the country and overthrow the government. He plays Turks against Kurds. We will break his arms and legs so he cannot write again. The state won’t disappoint you and will protect you.”
U. A.: “However, I see that’s not how it works. “
Testimonies changed at the court
Ahmet Hakan’s lawyer Asli Kazan Gilmore commented: "The suspects withdrew when they were taken from the police station and then sent to the court. They changed their testimonies. The power behind it is being concealed."
Ahmet Hakan tweeted
Journalist Ahmet Hakan has tweeted for the first time after the attack and thanked his supporters:
"Fellows! I have read all your messages. Thank you so much. I am not afraid, I will go on..."
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