People March with Rainbow Flags in Ankara against Homophobia and Transphobia

Thousands of people celebrated the 10th International Anti-Homophobia Meeting organized by Kaos GL Association. People shouted slogans “We are marching for freedom and love” with rainbow flags in the capital of Turkey, Ankara.
People met in front of Ankara University Faculty of Politic Science and marched towards Sakarya Square with rainbow flags and transgender flags.
The crowd protested against homophobia, transphobia, fascism and degradation of ecosystem. Lesbian communist fighter Ivana Hoffman killed by ISIS and other homosexuals and transgender killed at the hand of hate speech were commemorated.
In the most joyful and crowded Anti-Homophobia Meeting held in Ankara, people shouted slogans like ““love and freedom, away from hatred”, “Gays will not shut up”, “The world would turn upside down, if trans people were free”, “women, life, freedom”.
Marchers came from far and wide
Associations and organizations participated in meeting were as below:
Pembe Hayat (a LGBTİ solidarity association), LGBTİ unions from Ankara University, Liseli LGBTİ (a High School LGBTI group), LGBTI associations from 15 provinces, students from Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Human Rights Association (İHD) and many democratic organizations.
Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) sent a meeting vehicle for marchers. HDP’s deputy candidates from Ankara, Gülistan Aydoğdu and Gülsen Ülker, and deputy candidate from Eskişehir province, Barış Sulu were in the meeting.
Lawyer Hayriye Kara made a press statement on behalf of Kaos GL:”We protest against the heterosexism. The liberation of homosexuals will also free heterosexuals. We will walk hand in hand with love.” After the statement, thousands of people enjoyed the songs of singer Gülay, the Compiled Band and group Arin. (ÖA/ÇT/BD)
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