'People are trying to bring aid with their own means'

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bianet correspondents Ferid Demirel ve Hikmet Adal observed the aid convoys trying to reach the earthquake-hit areas and the rescue efforts.
They have reported their observations from Göksun, Maraş.
On the way to the earthquake-hit region, all gas stations are crowded.
You have to wait for half an hour to get your tank filled and all are talking about the earthquake.
People are trying to bring aid with their own means.
Especially from Bolu until here, there are trucks carrying aid all the way long.
In Göksun, the astroturf soccer field on their back is converted into a center where aid materials are stored and distributed.
In Göksun it is very cold below zero, but people have to stay in their vehicles or outside, around a fire at night because the buildings are damaged. (PE)