Peace Journalism Handbook Out

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Peace Journalism Handbook written by Prof Dr. Sevda Alankuş and published by Inter Press Service (IPS) Communication Foundation Publishing has been presented in a meeting held in Elit World Prestige Hotel.
bianet’s 2015 Male Violence Video and journalist Murat Utku’s Peace Journalism video have also been displayed in the meeting held with breakfast which various communication academics, journalists and press trade body representatives have attended.
Following the videos, the opening speech has been held by the President of IPS Communication Foundation; Nadire Mater.
“Now is time for peace (Sabah daily), Dolmabahçe agreement (Cumhuriyet daily), This is a call (Habertürk daily), Call for Goodbye to Guns (Yeni Şafak daily), Argument of disarmament in solution process (Zaman daily), Disarmament process (Birgün daily), Peace spring (Star daily), Call for ten principles (Özgür Gündem daily), Put down the guns (Vatan daily), Call for Goodbye to Guns (Taraf daily), Joint declaration first time ever (Evrensel daily), 10-article polemics (Bugün daily), Giant step for peace (Akşam daily), Historic call (Takvim daily), Good things are happening (Güneş daily), They pulled guns on the republic (Aydınlık dialy), Presidential Coalition (Yurt daily), Historic day (Türkiye daily), Separation Warrant from AKP to PKK (Ortadoğu daily), Gun’s talk will come to an end (Akit daily), Call on PKK to lay down arms (Milliyet daily)”
Listing the headlines of newspapers after the Dolmabahçe meeting on February 28, 2015 within the solution process, Nadire Mater has pointed out to the current situation and added; “As seen, no peace journalism can be practiced through the position which media ownership structures have taken before power groups”.
Expressing that she considers being a journalist as always being uneasy, doubtful and anxious but this was not meant in the sense of feeling uneasy about being put on trial, getting arrested, or even losing one’s life, Mater has added;
“Unfortunately, in the process we are going through today journalists are experiencing anxiety not with regards to journalism, but regarding concerns of being put on trial and getting arrested. Yet a journalist is actually supposed to experience this anxiety with regards to the concerns, whether she/he can practice peace journalism and why not”.
Noting that the debated data journalism had been keeping this approach on the agenda since long through the Male Violence Monitoring Reports and BİA Media Monitoring Reports, Mater has pointed out that also bianet has had peace journalism on its agenda for since its foundation; for 16 years.
The meeting has proceeded with the speech of Sevda Alankş, the author of the book. (EA/DG)
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