Peace Bloc: Apply to Constitutional Court, Be One of 110 MPs

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The Peace Bloc has called for the MPs voting against the constitutional amendment as to lifting parliamentary immunities:
“Apply to the Constitutional Court (AYM), and be one of the 110 MPs giving signature for that”.
Following the approval of the constitutional amendment as to lifting the parliamentary immunities, going to the AYM is now on the agenda.
Signature of 110 MPs is needed for mass application to the AYM. Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) called on the People’s Republican Party (CHP) MPs to take the bill concerning parliamentary immunities to the AYM.
CHP MP Sezgin Tanrıkulu and HPD MPs separately applied to the AYM yesterday (May 26).
"Be one of the 110 MPs saying "Peace, not war"
The Peace Bloc in its declaration addressed MPs: “Don’t let peace hopes be dynamited; be one of the 110 MPs saying ‘not war but peace’!”
“Despite all the crackdowns, you voted against by listening to the voice of democracy, peace and your conscience. Now it’s time to take another step.
“Don’t let the Kurdish question and peace base be destroyed under the roof of parliament.
“Don’t sit back and watch tens of MPs be sent to prison, TBMM (Grand National Assembly of Turkey) be turned into an ineffective institution under command of the [Presidential] Palace.
“Apply to the AYM for the annulment of this unlawfulness that is contrary to the Constitution, basic right and liberties. Become one of the 110 MPs signing for it.
“Don’t give way to desire for absolute power of the Palace which cannot tolerate even a Prime Minister that it itself chose, sees no problem in giving direct instructions to jurisprudence, constantly breaks the law.
“We don’t want one-man dictate, war, death, hatred; we want pluralism, freedom, democracy, and above all peace!” (BK/TK)
* Photo: Murat Kula / Ankara / AA