Past is Past, Today* is “Today”**
Bugün and Millet newspapers included in İpek Media were published with covers under the tutelage of trustee for the first time following trustee appointment.
Writers sacked, Press Announcement Institute came in
While the cover of Bugün daily was "Seizure by Trustee" yesterday, it is "President Shows Up" today.
11 columnists who wrote yesterday are absent in today's publication of Bugün daily while President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is on the cover.
There are 16 Press Announcement Institute advertisements today whereas the figure was five yesterday. While there were four advertisements placed on the paper yesterday, there is none today.
Millet daily's cover was "Bloody Coup" yesterday, and it writes "Turkey as One Man", and Erdoğan's photo is published on the first page.
The trustee appointed to Koza İpek Holding had entered the building in company with police breaking down the door.
The trustee entering the first editorial meeting with police had threatened the staff to fire and had them battered.
Trustees discharging Bugün Daily Editor-in-Chief Erhan Başyurt appointed Oğuzhan Müezzino to Başyurt's post.
The trustee had fired Editorial Coordinator of Millet daily Cuma Ulus and chief of Economy department Ufuk Şanlı. (EA/TK)
Click here to read the article in Turkish
* Today means bugün in Turkish
* "Past is past, today is today" is a famous saying of one of the most prominent politicians of right wing, Süleyman Demirel, in Turkey. Demirel intorduced this expression in response to a criticism that accuses him of defending some statement which he had opposed in past. The expression is also similar to proverb "let bygones be bygones".