Parliamentary Investigation Request for Ezidi People

BDP Batman Deputy Ayla Akat Ata, filed a request to the Parliament on Ezidis' reinstitution of rights in Turkey. There are only 400 Ezidi people living in Turkey.
Ata requested the protection of Ezidis’ identity and culture, as well as an investigation of the oppression and violence they have been through, legally compensation of their damages, and restitution of their rights letting to live freely in the way their religion requires.
From 80 thousand to 400
Ezidis had been living in Turkey, Georgia, Iran and Armenia region for hundreds of years, and been tyrannized by the governments and the public because of their religious beliefs.
It is predicted that until 40 years ago there were 80 thousand Ezidis living in Turkey, and now this number has increased fewer than 400. According to the statements, Ezidis are living mostly in Urfa, Batman, Mardin and Diyarbakır provinces.
Since Ottoman Empire, Ezidis have been strategically assimilated, the situation continued during the Turkish Republic years. Their beliefs were avoided, their lands were taken away from them and their source of income which depends on agriculture and animal breeding were eradicated.
Dispossessed Lands
“It has been noticed that Ezidi women and teenage girls are being tricked with Islamic views, and their own beliefs and cultures are disregarded. The religion part of Ezidis’ identity cards forcibly say “Muslim” or “Atheist””
Ezidis had to immigrate to Europe because their lands were dispossessed and trees were removed. Ezidi land owners’ were threatened and their villages became an inhabitable place.”
They demand legal assurance
The request cited that Ezidis immigrated all around Europe, mostly to Germany. Most of them wanted to return to their country and needed legal assurance.
"For Ezidis who would like to return to their country, the legal and economic conditions must be provided. Their demolished villages must be rebuilt and a financial compensation must be paid. Although the court decided to return their property back to the land owners in some villages, it can’t be operated. This demonstrates the crucial importance of the problem.”
“Ezidis believe the only solution of this situation is having their beliefs under the assurance of constitutional rights. Having their identities and religion officially recognized, having religious educational rights and protecting their sacred places will resolve Ezidis problems.” (NV/ENÜ/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.