Parliamentary Committee For Dink’s Murder Still To Complete Its Report
Turkish Parliament’s (TBMM) Committee to Investigate the Human Rights announced that they have not completed the subcommittee report for the murder of Hrant Dink, founder and chief editor of Armenian-Turkish weekly Agos, who was killed on January 19, 2007.
Mehmet Ocaktan, head of the subcommittee and Bursa deputy for the Justice and Development Party (AKP) stated that some media groups published reports implying the committee report was completed.
Ocaktan said their report was not finished yet, they were still working on it and they were planning to announce it when it was completed.
The sixth hearing for Dink’s murder case at Istanbul’s 14th High Criminal Court was held on July 7. The court had decided to continue keeping 8 suspects under arrest, but denied the demand that the Trabzon Gendarmerie case for misconduct in Dink’s murder combined with the principal trial for Dink’s murder case in Istanbul. (NZ/EZÖ/TB)
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