Panel of experts say Kirazlıyayla mine is ‘against the law’
* Photo: Yeşil Gazete
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The panel of experts have made their decision on the Zinc-Lead-Copper Processing Facility and Tailings Dam to be constructed by Meyra Mining Company in Kirazlıyayla village in Turkey's western Bursa province.
In their unanimous decision, the panel has indicated that the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report received by the company from the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization is not technically adequate.
Consisting of 7 mining, agricultural, environmental, forest and chemical engineers and archeologists, the panel of experts has said in their decision:
"Even in the event that the points indicated as shortcomings in the EIA report are eliminated, it will not change the fact that there are major risks posed by potential natural disaster (such as earthquake, tsunami, flood, etc.) and that the region is located on a first-degree seismic belt."
What is happening in Kirazlıyayla?
Operating a lead, copper and zinc mine in the region since 2013, Meyra Mining company wanted to extend the facility by constructing a Zinc-Lead-Copper Processing Facility and Tailings Dam in 2019.
However, villagers objected to the project, saying that the lead-copper-zinc flotation facility and the tailings dam to be built on a 110-decare area would harm Yenişehir Lowland, Lake İznik and the people living there.
The reports prepared about the project indicated that the facility would be only 225 meters away from Kirazlıyayla Village, a residential area, and the lower part of the area where the tailings dam would be built was a landslide site. It was also reminded that the area was at a distance of 3.5 kilometers from the İznik-Mekece faultline, a first-degree active faultline.
Villagers and life defenders filed a lawsuit against the positive EIA report of the Ministry of Environment. However, while the judicial process was still ongoing, the company cut trees in the project site in April 2020.
In June, women wanted to make a statement against the project; however, they were prevented by gendarmerie. Detained upon the complaint of the company later on, villagers were released following their deposition.
Most recently, the Meyra Mining company dried up the Kamışlı Pond used by villagers for their animals and gardens.
''What is done is done in Kirazlıyayla, what happens if we win the lawsuit?'
Speaking to bianet about the situation in Kirazlıyayla, Murat Demir from the Bursa Nature Association (DOĞA-DER) previously said:
"Something is wrong here. Normally, the administrative courts are supposed to give a ruling of stay of execution for the operations of mining companies in such cases so that no one will come to harm. However, as no such ruling has been given here and the activity has already taken place, it will not mean much even if we win the lawsuit because they have already done what was planned to be done. This time, as the activity has been completed by 70 percent, the court will see public benefit there and reject its demolishment.
"Normally, a decision of non-prosecution is given by the court until an expert report is issued and, in the light of this report, the court rules for a stay of execution till the trial is concluded. But, neither of them has been done here, unfortunately. There is no ruling of stay of execution. The company now keeps on operating day and night." (TP/SD)