PACE to Reopen Monitoring Process Against Turkey

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The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has opened monitoring process against Turkey after 13 years.
The assembly gathered in Spring Part Session to discuss a report titled "The functioning of democratic institutions in Turkey," during which 113 voted in favor, 12 abstained from voting while 45 voted against the monitoring decision.
The report was submitted in June 2016
The PACE rapporteurs Marianne Mikko from Estonia and Ingebjorg Godskesen from Norway on Turkey submitted the report on June 22, 2016.
Through this decision, Turkey returned to its status in 2004.
Six clauses were added to the report due to the post-coup attempt developments and April 16 constitutional amendment referendum.
The clauses are related to the capital punishment that Turkish government has been discussing to reintroduce; possible irregularities during the referendum; the ongoing State of Emergency; trustee appointments to the municipalities in the Southeastern Turkey; following advisory jurisdiction of the Venice Commission.
Küçükcan: Turkey will continue to be a part of Europe
PACE Turkish Delegation Chair and Justice and Development Party (AKP) Adana MP Talip Küçükcan in his speech in the session said that “Turkey is and will continue to be a part of Europe”. (HK/TK)