Overflow of Tigris Dam on Parliamentary Agenda: Will Measures Be Taken for Hevsel Gardens?

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Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır MP Garo Paylan has submitted a parliamentary question to Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Bekir Pakdemirli, directing him a series of questions regarding Hevsel Gardens, some parts of which were flooded on December 13, 2018 after one of the gates of the Dicle (Tigris) Dam broke off as a result of heavy rains.
CLICK - Dam Gate Breaks Off, Hevsel Gardens Flooded
Referring to the incident in his parliamentary question, Paylan has stated, "Some parts of the Hevsel Gardens, which are on the UNESCO World Heritage List, were flooded. Moreover, the fertile soils and settlements in the vicinity have been damaged in the ensuing flood."
"Will the flooded areas be identified?"
Adding that "the Governorship of Diyarbakır warned the residents of the area to move away from the river and take precautions," Paylan has also referred to the statement of the Governorship, which indicated that "perpetual rains above the seasonal normals" caused the accident.
Within this context, Paylan has asked a series of questions to Minister Pakdemirli regarding the incident, including:
* Was the dam designed by considering the annual changes in precipitation received by the region and the impacts of global climate change?
* Who is accountable for this accident: The company which has undertaken the construction of the dam or the Directorate General for State Hydraulic Works (DSİ) Department of Dams and Hydroelectric Power Plants (HES), which are obliged to do the necessary controls and give approvals?
* Will the flooded areas along the Tigris River be identified?
* What precautions will be taken to prevent people from suffering loss of life and property and protect the Hevsel Gardens, which are on the UNESCO World Heritage List, from bigger disasters?
* Have you take any actions to identify the citizens who incurred material damages due to the flood and to compensate their losses and damages? (PT/SD)