Over average with 3 accurate and 1 wrong answers in each section of the university exam

Photo: Univesity Entrance Exam result of Volkan Eren Erdoğan
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The Center for Evaluation, Selection and Placement (ÖSYM) Presidency announced the results of the Higher Education Institutions Exam ( ) held on June 17-18 yesterday (July 20).
High school graduates entered the Core Proficiency Test (TYT) on June 17, and the Field Proficiency Tests (AYT) on June 18.
According to the results announced, 100 thousand 510 students taking the TYT, and 120 thousand 920 students taking the AYT received zero or negative points.
One correct answer is cancelled for each four wrong answers in the tests.
Over the national average with 3 correct, 1 wrong answers
A phenomenon on social media in this year's exam was the results that one participant, Volkan Eren Erdoğan received.
Giving 3 correct and 1 wrong answers in each part of the TYT and AYT tests, Erdoğan received a score that is over the national average in most of sections.
bianet talked to Erdoğan and asked how this could be possible.
Erdoğan entered the university entrance exam before and scored in it in previous years. He has been consulting students and teaching over the Youtube ever since. He is also taking the exam again each year, and trying something different.
In fact Erdoğan was taking the exams in order to inform his students. He says, "I tried to do something different every year. For example, in 2021, I gave 0 correct and 120 wrong answers. And this year I gave 3 correct and 1 wrong answers in all sections. It turned out to be fun."
"We have to start investigating why students have so little number of correct answers"
We asked him how it was possible to be over the national average with so little number of correct answers.
"I am not over the average in the TYT test, but in AYT I am over the average in all lessons other than Turkish language and literature and mathematics. I did not intend to critisize our education system, but yes, it was understood as such on the social media," he said.
"And of course, the fact that I am over the average despite having 3 correct and 1 wrong answers shows that our education system is a little bad. Maybe we have to start investigating why the students have so little number of correct answers in these tests," he added.
Average number of correct answers in 2023 YKSThe average number of correct answers in the Core Proficiency Test (TYT):
The average number of correct answers in the Field Proficiency Test (AYT):