Over 90 percent of Turkey's households have Internet access, shows TurkStat data

* Photo: Pixabay
The Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) has shared the results of its Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Usage Survey, covering the one-year period from April 2019 to March 2020.
According to the statistics shared by the Institute, the Internet usage of individuals aged 16-74 was 79 percent in the indicated time period. This proportion was 75.3 percent in the previous year.
When internet usage proportion is analyzed by sex; it was seen that this proportion was 84.7 percent for males and 73.3 percent for females.
The survey has also revealed that 90.7 percent of the households had access to the Internet from home. This proportion was 88.3 percent in 2019.
* Basic household ICT usage indicators, 2009-2020
Households with broadband Internet connection
According to the TurkStat data, the proportion of households that access the Internet with broadband connection was 89.9 percent in 2020 so far. This proportion was 87.9 percent in the previous year.
In terms of broadband connection types, while 50.8 percent of households used fixed broadband connection (ADSL, cable, optic fibre, etc.), 86.9 percent used mobile broadband connection to access the Internet.
51.5 percent use e-government services
The proportion of individuals using the Internet in the twelve-month period for interaction with public authorities and activities for personal purposes was 51.5 percent among individuals aged 16-74. This proportion was 51.2 percent in the same period of the previous year.
Among the purposes of using e-government services, obtaining information from websites ranked first with 48.7 percent.
36.5 percent order, purchase products online
The proportion of individuals aged 16-74 who ordered or purchased goods or services for personal use over the Internet was 36.5 percent in the twelve-month period covering April 2019 and March 2020. This proportion was observed as 34.1 percent in the same period of the previous year.
The proportion of ordering or purchasing goods or services over the Internet by sex was 40.2 percent for males and 32.7 percent for females. This proportion was observed as 38.3 percent and 29.9 percent, respectively, in the same period of the previous year.
Online shopping by products and services
60.9 percent of individuals who ordered or purchased goods or services online purchased clothes, shoes or accessories.
This was followed by printed books, magazines or newspapers with 26.1 percent, deliveries from restaurants, fast-food chains, catering service with 22.5 percent, cosmetics, beauty or wellness products with 21.1 percent, cleaning products or personal hygiene products with 17.6 percent. materials and furniture, home accessories or gardening products with 17 percent.
The most ordered or purchased product groups on the Internet by males were as follows: Clothes, shoes or accessories with 54.2 percent, deliveries from restaurants, fast-food chains, catering service with 24.1 percent and printed books, magazines or newspapers with 22.5 percent.
For females, the most ordered or purchased product groups on the Internet were clothes, shoes or accessories with 68.5 percent, cosmetics, beauty or wellness products with 31.5 percent and printed books, magazines or newspapers with 30.2 percent. (SD)