Over 2,000 Academics Support Headscarf at University
While many university rectors have protested at the planned constitutional amendment which would allow the wearing of headscarves at university, individual academics have voiced their support in an on-line statement.
The undersigned are from state and private universities across the country. They have emphasised that universities need “education and teaching with the freedom of thought, expression, religion and belief” and have called for “libertarian and not restrictive” attitudes.
So far, the statement, which can be found (in Turkish) at this website, has been signed by 2,252 academics, with more being added daily.
The campaign was initiated by Prof. Dr. Ihsan Dagi from the Middle Eastern Technical University (ODTÜ) in Ankara and Assistant Professor Dr. Saban Calis from Selcuk University in Konya.
Part of the statement reads:
“We want our universities to be associated with freedom and the production of science. We believe that like in all democratic countries, at our universities the freedom of attire must be offered to all of our students without discrimination according to religion, belief, thought, race, group or gender; we demand that all rules and practices to the contrary be abandoned.” (GG/AG)
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Reactions to AKP Closure Request

Peace Initiative: Operations Not the Solution
IPS Communications Foundation and Press Now Organised Workshop in Antalya
Headscarves Not “In the Clear” Yet