Opposition alliance announces constitutional amendment proposal

Photo: CHP/Twitter
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Six political parties constituting the opposition alliance, or the 'Table of 6', announced the Constitutional amendment proposals they agree upon for the Strengthened Parliamentary System they propose in Ankara today (November 28).
The leaders of the six parties, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, Ali Babacan, Gültekin Uysal, Ahmet Davutoğlu, Meral Akşener and Temel Karamollaoğlu participated in the meeting held in Bilkent Hotel in Ankara.
The commission that prepared the proposal will be visiting the bars of lawyers, NGO's, occupational organizations, the business world, trade unions, women's and youth organizations.
The amendment proposal of 84 articles emphasizes separation of powers. The new system aims to have an effective and participatory legislation, a stabilized, transparent and accountable execution and an independent and impartial jurisdiction.
The outstanding points in the text agreed upon are as follows:
President will not be party member at same time
"The President will be elected by the public for 7 years and will resign from political party membership after being elected. A president whose term has expired will not be able to run for elections for any other political task. The Speaker of the parliament will substitute the President. The President will no longer have veto power on laws but the right to send back to the parliament in order to be debated again.
Not 'duty' but 'freedom'
"The proposal is ridding the Constitution of the concepts that emphasize the basic rights as "duties" and limits the freedoms with the concept of a duty. A libertarian mentality is given to the Constitution. Traces of authoritarian mindset are removed. The expression "basic rights and duties" as it is present in the Constitution is changed with "basic rights and freedoms."
Basic function of the state: Protecting human dignity
"The following is included in the first article of the Constitution regulating the basic rights: 'Human dignity is untouchable and is the foundation of the constitutional order.' Thus the Constitution is given a point of view that is based on human dignity. It is emphasized that the basic function of the state is to protect human dignity and to respect the same.
Animal rights in Constitution for the first time
"With an amendment made in article 56 of the Constitution, the right to health and the right to environment is regulated again and animal rights are granted a constitutional guarantee for the first time.
Violence against women: Convicts will not be able to be elected MP
"Even if pardoned, convicts for sexual assault, sexual abuse of children, wilful injury of women and offence of using fraud or trickery in the fulfillment of execution will not be eligible for standing as a candidate in parliamentary elections.
YÖK will be abolished
"The Council of Higher Education will be abolished. Another council will be set up that will be a planning and coordination council not violating the academic, administrative and financial autonomy of the universities.
Decree laws of State of Emergency period will be repealed
"Decree laws of the State of Emergency period following the coup attempt in 1915 will be repealed. State of emergency will be regulated with a State of Emergency Law and this law and the administrative actions and procedures arising from this law will be remediable.
Withdrawing from International Agreements
"The condition for withdrawal from an international agreement to which Türkiye is a party to is regulated clearly in the Constitution." (AÖ/PE)