Open Studio Days Start on October 6

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The Open Studio Days will be organized for the fourth time on October 6-8 in İstanbul.
The event is a non-profit organization organized by Deniz Beşer and Julian Saupe in which 50 artists and 41 art studios will open their doors to visitors.
In nine areas from Taksim to Büyükada
Visual artists, art collectives and independent art areas, which work on drawing, sculpture, photography, installation, performance and video, will open their doors to visitors in Taksim, Cihangir, Kurtuluş, Beyoğlu, Galata, Karaköy, Teşvikiye, Kadıköy and Büyükada.
The participatory artists:
Ali Alizadeh, Ayşe Töremiş, Ayşen Savcı, Başak Sipahioğlu, Bedia Ekiz, Bulut Bagatur, Cengiz Yatağan, Deniz Beşer, Demet Yalçınkaya, Deniz Önlü, Deniz Örnek, Desen Halıçınarlı, Dila Yumurtacı, Ezgi Sönmez, Fatma Sağ Tunçalp, Gözde Can Köroğlu, Gül Bolulu, Günsel Demirci Dinler, İdil Güral, İrem Nalça, İsmail Onur Gönüllü & Gülşah Öztürk // Atelier Allegory, Hilal Can, Kadir Ulus, Mathilde Melek An, Mehmet Çevik, Meryem Güldurdak, Monika Bulanda, Mutlu Aksu, Nazan Azeri, Nesrin İçen, Nevin Yici, Nuray Özler Yolcu, Özgür Demirci, Rabia Seyhan, Random Art Project (Dilara Bozdağ, Buse Kökçü, Melda Yaramış),Sercan Apaydın, Sedef Karakaş, Şehlem Kaçar, Sevim Kaya, studio-h, Taylan Ünal, Toby & Leah Westberry, Tuğçe Diri, Tülin Yiğit Akgül (Glasst.), Walid Farouk ve Zeynep İnci Şenneyli.
Visiting hours
Open Studio Days (Day 1): October 6, 2017, 3-9 p.m. (Friday)
Open Studio Days (Day 2): October 7, 2017, 2-9 p.m. (Saturday)
Open Studio Days (Day 3): October 8, 2017 2-9 p.m. (Friday)
For updates on the Open Studio Days:
For more information:,,
Please find the maps of the the Open Studio Days on (BK/TK)