One Arrestee Diagnosed with Coronavirus in Buca Prison

* News & Photo: Anadolu Agency (AA)
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İzmir Chief Public Prosecutor's Office has released a statement and announced that one arrestee with the symptoms of novel coronavirus (Covid-19) has tested positive for the virus in Buca Closed Penal Institution.
The arrestee named H.A. was reportedly referred to a medical institution for diarrhea and malaise on April 13 and he has tested positive for Covid-19.
Indicating that H.A. is in treatment, the statement has noted that tracing rules are followed in the prison in coordination with the Provincial Directorate of Health. The Prosecutor's Office has briefly stated the following:
"The arrested and convicted persons held in the ward of judicial criminals with H.A. have been referred to hospital as a precaution. 62 arrestees and convicts having the symptoms of the disease have been isolated in hospitals. Still under medical examination, they are in good health.
"In the light of Science Board's recommendations, all precautions taken against coronavirus are implemented in penal institutions in İzmir." (TP/SD)