Ömer Çelik: EU 2016 Turkey Report is a Certificate of Disgrace

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Minister of European Union (EU) and Chief Negotiator Ömer Çelik organized a press meeting on EU 2016 Turkey Report issued by the European Commission.
The Minister Çelik criticized the report and said, “It was very important that the report had a side enchancing and paving the way for negotiation process because the EU has long been turned into an institution that only releases statement”.
“It is not constructive or guiding”
The report is far from being constructive and guiding, according to the Minister Çelik;
“The report is lacking in terms of especially understanding the world and Turkey, assessing Turkey’s fight against terrorism properly, appreciating progressive steps that Turkey take about reforms. This report has been prepared in an understanding that doesn’t serve Turkey-EU relations and is far from participation negotiations perspective”.
“We don’t accept accusation of disproportionate force”
Commenting on the expressions in the report, Çelik said “We don’t accept the expression that disproportionate force has been used in fight against PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) terror organization. This expression is a certificate of disgrace for EU institutions”. (HK/TK)