OHO 2014 Kicks Off

Held for the eighth time this year, IPS Communication Foundation's From School to Newsroom (OHO) program began this morning.
While the program will continue until August 30, 36 journalist candidates from 36 communication faculties across Turkey and North Cyprus are attending.
Throughout the program, journalism students will be trained by academics and journalists, and they will visit various media and rights organizations. This year's visit list includes Turkey Union of Journalists (TGC), Özgür Gündem Newspaper, Filmmor, Istanbul Caucasus Culture Association, the Association of Greek Foundations and Açık Radyo.
Following the registration of participants, the program opened this morning with the keynote held by Evren Gönül, BİA Project Coordinator.
The program will continue with the sessions by Sevda Alankuş (Dean of the Faculty of Communication at Kadir Has University), Burcu Karakaş (Milliyet newspaper reporter), Işıl Cinmen (Haberturk.com editor) and BİA Legal Advisor Fikret İlkiz.
Today's session will end with a news workshop by Alper Gedik, Altuğ Akın and Burak Doğu from İzmir Economy University. (ÇT/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.