Of 1,267 Academics Dismissed in New Statutory Decree, 24 Are Academics for Peace

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In the new Statutory Decree No. 675 issued on October 29, 1267 academics have been dismissed. Including the 24 signees of the peace declaration by academic who were also among the dismissed 1267, the number of Acedemics for Peace members dismissed in the statutory decrees issued in the state of emergencies has risen to 68.
68 Academics for Peace dismissed in statutory decrees
Also 44 of the 2,346 academics dismissed in the Statutory Decree No. 672 issued on September 2, were signees of the peace declaration.
The total number of academics dismissed in the two statutory decrees issued in the State of Emergency has reached 3, 613. The number of the academics who have signed the peace declaration "We will not be a party to this crime" has reached 68.
The number of the dismissed academics according to their universities are as follows;
99 academics from Dicle University,
87 academics from Pamukkale University,
74 academics from Süleyman Demirel University,
70 academics from Sütçü İmam University,
51 academics from Mustafa Kemal University and
32 academics from Bartın University.
Also academics from the Middle East Technical University, İstanbul University, Yıldız Technical University, Marmara University are on the list.
Click here to view the names of the academics dismissed in the Statutory Decree No. 675.