“Öcalan will Comment on Reforms on October 15”

Mehmet Öcalan reportedly paid a visit to his brother Abdullah Öcalan, PKK leader, who told him that he will make further comments on the government’s new reforms on October 15.
After yesterday’s visit, Mehmet Öcalan said the following at Gemlik Gendarmerie Headquarters:
“I have said this before and I am saying again: What moves this process is BDP delegation itself. My brother told me that ‘this reform package doesn’t concern us. This is drafted by the government and the state. At this point, there is nothing I can do about it. I will comment further on the issue on October 15.”
Responding to a press inquiry, Öcalan said the new reforms was not received as sufficient by them [Kurdish people].
Delegation might set off at the weekend
Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) Group Interim Chairperson Pervin Buldan also released a statement yesterday, saying that they applied to Justice Ministry officials to meet Öcalan in Imrali Prison.
Buldan added that the visit was likely to take place during the weekend and they were waiting for a response on the days to come.
“Probably, we will also go to the Qandil Mountain [PKK Headquarters located in Northern Iraq] again after Imrali Prison visit. However, we are not planning to go to Qandil before visiting Öcalan. We will take Öcalan’s opinion on the recent reforms. On our last visit, Mr. Öcalan mentioned of a new format.”
“How is the government’s approach on the new format? Or is there anything regarding the reforms that can allign with the new format? Mr Öcalan already followed up on that. We will take Öcalan’s opinion on the recent reforms. On our last visit, Mr. Öcalan mentioned of a new format. Then we will go to Qandil and work with the officials in there.”
“In order to resume the process, Öcalan mentioned of a new format during our last visit. 3 new steps are envisioned here: First, the immediate amendment of Anti-Terror Act. Second, the commission matter that Öcalan set forth several times.
“He mentioned of an immediate legislation of some commissions by the parliament. Therefore the government must take these revision in its agenda and make the necessary legislations.”
“Reforms insufficient”
Buldan continued the new reforms announced by PM Erdogan last week:
“We didn’t know what existed in the reform package until the day that it was declared. The drafting method of the package was wrong from the very beginning. It was drafted by AKP officials. NGO opinions were disregarded.”
“It was obvious that reforms would turn out this way. We don’t think this package can resolve the matter. Because we are talking about a chronic conflict that has been going on for over 100 years. Co-chairperson system, lifting of headscarf ban, recommendations on elections...We don’t think they are able to contribute to a democratic solution in the resolution of Kurdish problem.”
Commenting on Murat Karayılan’s latest remarks, Buldan said the following: “Generally the views of Qandil and Imrali align with each other. The government must take immediate action. This is pretty much what Qandil is trying to say anyways.” (AS/BM)
* Click here to read the original article in Turkish.