Öcalan Warns on Resolution Process

PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan’s sister Fatma Öcalan and uncle Süleyman Arslan held a press conference in Gemik Gerdarmerie Headquarters after their visit to Imralı Prison.
Süleyman Arslan complaint that their visit to Öcalan was limited to 30 minutes.
“I have travelled 1,500 km for this visit. They only allowed 30 minutes of visit. They are stealing our right. How will the peace process unfold? We haven’t seen each other for 40 years. Now they only allow for 30 minutes,” Arslan protested.
According to various news sources, Arslan said “Öcalan would take his hands off from peace process if it goes like this”.
Fatma Öcalan, on the other hand, said: "We can’t bear it anymore, let him out of prison.”
“If he was on a normal location, we could drive and do our visit. One can’t bear staying locked in for so long. We couldn’t even bear it for 30 minutes. We want to see this end.”
She also added that they talked rather about family matters and Öcalan didn’t convey any message outside. (AS/BM)
* Click here to see the original article in Turkish.