Number of Unemployed Rises to 3,647,000 in October 2016

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The Turkish Statistical Institute (TUİK) has announced the data on unemployment rates in October 2016.
According to the statistics, year on year unemployment among people older than 15 has risen by 500,000 and reached 3,647,000 in the period of October 2016.
With a rise by 1.3%, the unemployment rate has reached 11.8%.
In sectors except agriculture, the unemployment rate was estimated to rise by 1.5% and reach 14.1% in the same period.
Among the young population between 15-24 years, the unemployment rate has risen by 1,9% to 21.2%.
In the age group between 15-64 years, the rate amounts to 12% with a rise by 1.3%.
The number of those employed has risen by 411,000 in comparison to last the same period last year and reached 27,267,000while the rate of unemployment remained unchanged by 46.2%. (YY/DG)