Number of Arrested 3rd Airport Workers Becomes 27, Petition Campaign Started

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A petition campaign has been launched with the demand that the 27 workers, who have been arrested after protesting the bad working conditions and occupational homicides in the construction of the 3rd Airport in İstanbul, be released from prison.
The campaign has been started by the Construction and Builder's Workers Union (İYİ-SEN) and Progressive Construction Workers Union (Dev-Yapı-İş).
A statement for the press was held for the announcement of the petition campaign at the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DİSK) Head Office in Beşiktaş, İstanbul today (September 28).
In the meeting hall, a banner was hung on the wall, which read, "Arrested workers and unionists should be released! The demands of the workers should be accepted." In the meeting, it was also stated that more than 50 people and institutions have signed the petition so far.
3 more workers have been arrested
The latest information regarding the workers was also shared in the meeting. It was stated that the workers working in the construction of the 3rd Airport are gradually being dismissed from their jobs.
In the meeting, Kadir Kurt from the Construction Workers Union (İnşaat-İş) also made a brief statement. Emphasizing that the three unions will act together from then on, Kurt also stated that three more construction workers were arrested last evening (September 27). (EK/HK/SD)
* Photograph: Evrim Kepenek