No Verdict Yet in Sevag Balıkçı Murder Trial

A military court in Diyarbakir province resumed the trial of Kıvanç Ağaoğlu who is suspected for allegedly killing Sevag Balıkçı during their compolsory military service on April 24, 2011 - 96th anniversary of Armenian Genocide.
The court ruled to continue suspect's lending trial until the next session on February 28.
Garo Paylan, an activist from Justice For Sevag Initiative, said Turkey's main forensic institution wrote a report proving that Kıvanç Ağaoğlu's rifle was shot in parallel to the victim, an evidence that might refute claims for accident.
"The advocates of victim's parents pointed out the contradiction in witnesses' testimonies. They demanded witness testimonies before the court and a new investigation. The testimony process might have been flawed because they were all taken in different cities," Paylan said.
He also reminded the court's order to decide on the testimonies according to the upcoming expert report.
"Turkish state feeds hatred against minorities"
Nor Zartonk and Justice For Sevag Initiative made a public statement prior to the court session.
Reminding the recent attacks on elderly Armenian women in Samatya, the declaration said the incidents occurred due to the inevitable consequence of hatred narrative towards non Turkish-Muslims.
"For over 150 years, the authorities in this land always sacrificed individuals and groups which they could not assimilate. Just like in 1915, the crimes against Armenians in Turkey still go unpunished. Racism and chauvinism is fed by state authorities to be used against minorities." (EKN)
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