'No' Statements by 250 Artists

250 artists including writers, actors/actresses, directors, photographers, poets, musicians, dancers, painters and sculptors have declared that they would vote "No" in the April 16 constitutional amendment referendum.
The artists explained why they would vote no in a press conference organized in Taksim Point Hotel.
It started with Nazım Hikmet
As the program hosted by Orhan Alkaya started with a line from Nazım Hikmet's poem called "This Invitations is Ours", it was stated that this line spread among friends and has nothing to do with the political structure.
Reasons of why the artists say "no"
Açıklamaya imzacılardan Vecdi Sayar, Gülriz Süruri, Edip Akbayram, Rutkay Aziz, Defne Halman, Mirza Metin, Adnan Özyalçıner, Orhan Aydın, Tilbe Saran, Ragıp Yavuz, Iraz Yöntem, Nur Sürer, Hakkı Zariç katıldı.
Vecdi Sayar, Gülriz Süruri, Edip Akbayram, Rutkay Aziz, Defne Halman, Mirza Metin, Adnan Özyalçıner, Orhan Aydın, Tilbe Saran, Ragıp Yavuz, Iraz Yöntem, Nur Sürer, Hakkı Zariç attended the conference.
Vecdi Sayar: "No" to live peacefully
Freedom of expression has never had a bright record in Turkey but dark time was never this strong. Artists have a responsibility. If people fear to voice their opinions, then it is a sign of an unprecedented darkness. There is responsibility on our shoulders. We say no to the world of tyranny, fear, oppression, sultanate.
Gülriz Sururi: I believe the number of no supporters will increase
I will never forget the two preceding generations. Those are our politicians and intellectuals. I cannot accept them being this ignorant and reckless. Despite all warnings of İlhan Selçuk, Uğur Mumcu and Aziz Nesin, we couldn't come together. Today we are going to give an Independence War for the second time. I believe a hundred percent that the number of no supporters will increase and we win.
Edip Akbayram: I reject this constitution
I say no too for a modern, democratic and universal Turkey in which we can coexist peacefull, and I reject this constitution.
Rutkay Aziz: Our job doesn't end on April 16
We are sure "no" is going to win. What worries me is subsequent to the "No". I think we have no right to celebrate on April 17. We are obliged to continue the "no" fight for the sake of democracy, peace and humanity. Our job doesn't end on April 16.
Nur Sürer: I'd said "no" on September 16
I had said "no" against September 12 1980 [coup] too. Here, I say "no" for thousands of times. A democratic republic is very important for me.
Mirza Metin: "No" for thousands of things
"No" for very fundamental human rights. "No" so that the children can get education in their mother tongue. "No" so that young people don't kill each other, "no" for no war in Kurdistan, for making art freely and for thousands of other things.
Adnan Özyalçıner: "No" to prevent poor from getting poorer
Hayırda hayır vardır, derler. Benim için ‘Hayır’ın en önemli yönü, yoksulun daha yoksullaştırıldığı zenginin daha zenginleştirildiği bir ortama hayır demektir. Yoksulun daha yoksul, zenginin daha zengin olmaması için hayır diyoruz.
Pelin Batu: I am fed up with just watching
I lied to my mother day as I came here because my mother is very worried about me. She fears her daughter might be sent to prison or shot in the street. I say no because this many mothers fearing hurts me deeply insider. Children die, our friends, teachers get arrested every day and we cannot do anything about it. We are just watching. I am fed up already with just watching. I say no because I love this country very much. Even though they say "one nation", I've seen this country has many colors.
Orhan Aydın: We'll be able to half-open the door for peace
Indeed, we are more crowded than 250 people. May this 250 friends of ours feel not alone. There is no freedom, peace or love but grudge, hatred and massacre at the end of the road shown to us. The country has no future there. When we say "no", we will be able to half-open the door for peace and love.
Defne Halman: I say "no" to strongman regime
I don't permit that one person embodying all power decide how I am going to live, what I am going to read, and what I am going to do. I say no to the strongman regime.
Füsun Demirel: We fight for our honor
We have only our honor left, in fact, we are fighting for it. I believe "no" is a duty of citizenship. There are over 300 femicides in 2016. Half of the country have been victimized in this country. I expect a large margin of this society to vote "no".
Tilbe Saran: Peace cannot be achieved in any country governed like this
We know everything to the bone. Peace cannot be achieved in any country governed like this. A constitutional amendment was necessary but I say "no" because this will have us regressed.
Iraz Yöntem: I think this is spring
The sentence to which we all signed shows everything clearly. I think this is a spring. I am very happy on my own behalf. I say no to increase and grow sharings.
Hakkı Zariç: It doesn't suffice to say "no"
It doesn't suffice to say "no". In order to be stronger on 17th, let us grab a no with as on our leave here and present it to a stranger to increase the "no"s. (TP/HK/TK)
* Photos: Tansu Pişkin
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