'No Findings of Irregularity or Public Loss in İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality Reports'

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İstanbul Metropolitan Mayoral candidate Binali Yıldırım from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Ekrem İmamoğlu from the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) answered the questions of İsmail Küçükkaya on a live TV debate on June 16.
Responding to a question by Küçükkaya, İmamoğlu stated that the extravagances of the İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality have also been documented in the audit reports of the Supreme Court of Accounts. As for Yıldırım, he said that "he did not read the reports.
In response, İmamoğlu alleged that the irregularities committed by the İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality (İBB) and its affiliated companies İstanbul Electric Tramway and Tunnel Establishments (İETT) and İstanbul Water and Sewerage Administration (İSKİ) have exceeded 753 million Turkish Lira. As for Yıldırım, he answered that "it is a lie."
CLICK - Live TV Debate Ahead of İstanbul Repeat Elections
The Supreme Court of Accounts has released a statement regarding the allegations of İmamoğlu. "Above all, there is no finding in the reports of the Supreme Court of Accounts suggesting that the İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality granted aid to some non-governmental organizations as alleged," the Supreme Court has indicated in its statement.
The report has continued as follows:
'A deliberate attitude without goodwill'
"In the audit report on the İBB, İSKİ and İETT dated 2017, it was clearly indicated that a positive opinion was expressed within the frame of findings and recommendations and a series of findings and recommendations were listed as to the system of accounts and records.
"None of the points expressed in the speech in question and none of the points stated on the related Twitter account are actions that directly result in 'irregularities' or 'public loss' as indicated.
"In the event that an 'irregularity' or 'public loss' is detected during an administrative audit, the related Law on Supreme Court of Accounts stipulates that a separate report shall be drafted and the issue in question shall be subjected to a trial by the Supreme Court of Accounts.
"No separate reports were prepared as to the findings of the related Reports on the İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality and its affiliated companies as these findings did not have the characteristics of a 'public loss' or 'irregularity' as foreseen by the regulations."
Concluding the report, the Supreme Court has further indicated, "...making statements in such a way to create an impression that public loss was incurred is the result of a deliberate attitude without goodwill." (HA/SD)