No Drinking Water Given to Journalist Ahmet Şık in Prison for 3 Days

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Detained due to his social media posts and articles on December 29, 2016 and arrested the day after, journalist Ahmet Şık met with his attorneys and wife Yonca Şık the first time yesterday (January 5).
Taken to Metris Prison first after his arrest, Şık was transferred to Silivri Prison on January 2, 2017.
Of Şık’s attorneys Can Atalay, in his statement to bianet, said that Şık wasn’t given drinking water in the Metris for three days.
Noting that Şık is being kept in a highly dirty environment, Atalay said that Şık went without water since tap water is undrinkable.
Solitary confinement in Silivri
Kept in Silivri Prison No.9, Şık met his three attorneys.
According to a report by Canan Coşkun from Cumhuriyet newspaper, his attorneys explained Ahmet Şık’s prison conditions as follows:
“He was kept in solitary confinement in Metris Prison. There is only a bed in the cell. He was not given [drinking] water for three days on the ground that ‘the cafeteria is closed’.
“The confinement practice is continuing in Silivri Prison as well. There is neither a TV nor radio in his cell. He was not given any newspaper or book.
“Ahmet didn’t know about the Reina massacre in which 39 people lost their lives. He heard of a blast or something like that form the guards but didn’t understand what happened. He is curious about what is going on at the outside. He asks ‘What is happening out there’.
“At first he was not given a pen and paper either. These needs were met after he said he would write a petition to stay with the arrestees convicted of Cumhuriyet investigation. He walks a lot in his cell. His morale is high”.
Ministry of Justice: 1.5 liters of water was given on January 1
The Ministry of Justice made a statement upon the allegation that Şık wasn’t given water in Metris Prison:
“It was reported that arrestee Ahmet Şık entered into Metris No.2 Type T and R Closed Prison at 9:11 p.m. on December 12, 2016, on January 2, 2017 he was transferred to Silivri Closed Prison at 9:50 a.m., arrestee Ahmet Şık didn’t shop at cafeteria during this time, employees in charge gave 1.5 liters of filtered water to Ahmet Şık on January 1, 2017.
“There are also reports proving that the tap water in the institution is drinkable”.
What had happened?
Ahmet Şık was detained due to his social media posts and article on December 29, 2016 in the morning hours.
İstanbul 8th Criminal Judgeship of Peace ruled arrest of Şık for “propagandizing for FETÖ/PDY (Fethullahist Terror Organization/Parallel State Structure and PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party)” on December 30, 2016.
Taken to Metris Prison following his arrest, Şık wasn’t allowed to meet his attorney Can Atalay on the ground that audio recording couldn’t be done.
On January 3, 2017, Şık was transferred so Silivri Prison in which he was kept for 375 days as part of Oda TV investigation.
On January 4, 2017, İstanbul 9th Criminal Judgeship of Peace rejected the objection filed against Şık’s arrest. (EKN/TK)