Newspaper, Magazine Prints Rise By 4.9 Percent

Statistics Institute of Turkey (TÜİK) released the distribution of all published newspapers last year as follows: national (6.2 percent), local (90.4 percent), regional (3.4 percent).
TÜİK’s report on print media statistics revealed the distribution of all published magazines last year as follows: national (57.1 percent), local (35.2 percent), regional (7.8 percent).
The mixed category on the other hand, suggested the distribution of all published newspapers and magazines last year as follows: national (35.5 percent), local (58.5 percent), regional (5.9 percent).
The report also revealed newspapers as the major element of circulation with 92.9 percent.
Circulation hikes
Some of the remarkable statistics from the report included:
* The number of newspapers and magazines grew by 4.9 percent in 2012.
* The total circulation of all newspapers and magazines rose by 1.9 percent in 2012.
* The total circulation of all published newspapers and magazines turned out 2,308,,507,847 in 2012 with 92.9 percent by newspapers.
* The distribution of circulation of all newspapers and magazines turned out as follows: local (16.8 percent), regional (1.8 percent), national (81.4 percent).
* 87.8 of all circulation came from daily newspapers with 87.8 percent.
* The distribution of all magazines was listed as follows: monthly (51.9 percent), weekly (20.3 percent).
* The distribution of newspaper periods was listed as follows: daily (13.5 percent), weekly (29.5 percent).
* The distribution of newspaper genres was listed as follows: politics/news/actuality (85.9 percent), included supplements (9.6 percent).
* The distribution of magazine periods was listed as follows: monthly (24.8 percent), tri-monthly (23.1 percent).
* The distribution of magazine genres was listed as follows: sectoral/professional (18.5 percent), included supplements (10.2 percent). (YY/BM)
* Click here to see the full report in Turkish.
* Click here to read the original article in Turkish.