New School Dress Code With Several Limitations

The regulation allowed students to attend class with casual clothing in elementary, secondary and high schools. "Students will no longer be forced to wear uniforms," the regulation said.
"However," the regulation continued,"private schools following the limitations on the article 4 is allowed to determine a uniform to be used in its pre-school, elementary, secondary or high schools if at least 60% of legal parents agree."
The regulation also permitted female students attending religion classes to cover their hair. It also an exception for female students attending state-run religious schools.
A "liberating" regulation with several limitations
The regulation also listed a number of limitations to student dress code:
* Students are not allowed to wear badges, accessory and symbols other than the one belonging to their school.
* No clothing affecting public health or unsuitable to current weather conditions is allowed.
* No clothing containing holes or torn for fashion purposes is allowed.
* No miniskirts or tights exposing the body is allowed for female students. No shorts, short-sleeved shirts or sleeves T-shirts are allowed for male students.
* No headwear and accessory containing political symbols is permitted.
* Students must be unveiled with clean hair. No make-up is allowed. Facial hair of any sort is permitted. (YY)