New Media Workshop for Journalists

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Organizing journalism courses and workshops since 2000, the IPS Communication Foundation/bianet has been holding its "New Media Workshop for Journalists" in its new office at its news center building from June 7 to June 13.
"New Media Workshop for Journalists" has started with the opening speech and Introduction to Journalism lecture of Tuğrul Eryılmaz.
In his opening speech, Eryılmaz has emphasized the importance of freedom of expression. Eryılmaz has said,
"Newspapers come out in every part of the world and they are all the same on the surface. But, for some reason, in some countries like Turkey, people say, 'If only journalism would be done here as it is done in England'. The primary founding purpose of the press is to support the authority and give information on its behalf. Is it really different now?"
"Journalist is the voice of the ones who cannot make their voices heard"
Approaching the principles of journalism within the frame of "Social Responsibility Theory", Tuğrul Eryılmaz has underlined that the duty of the journalist is not to discover the truth, but to lead his or her audience to contemplate the reasons behind the situation that he or she has reported as news.
Eryılmaz has said, "If you want to capture the reality and draw the conflict to the platform of discussion, it would be better to make news from an impartial point of view rather than using the language of the political power. Journalist is the voice of the ones who cannot make their voices heard."
During his Introduction to Journalism lecture, Eryılmaz has given insight into the rules of news writing as well as what can be reported as news. Eryılmaz has also shared practical information about news writing by using different techniques.
This year, 16 future journalists from different universities and cities of Turkey have been attending the journalism workshop. During the workshop, students of journalism will receive education from journalists and academics from faculties of communication.
About Tuğrul Eryılmaz
He was the editor-in-chief of Radikal İki since it was founded in 1996. He graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Political Science in 1969 and continued his education in England for some time. After doing his master's degree in political science, he started working as a journalist in Turkey's national public broadcaster TRT's News Center. He lectured on communication in Ankara University Press and Broadcasting School and left his position at the university in 1981.
In İstanbul, he worked in Nokta, Yeni Gündem, Tempo and Sokak magazines as well as Cumhuriyet and Yeni Asır newspapers.
He gave lectures on journalism in the communication faculties of Ankara, Bahçeşehir, Bilgi, İzmir Economy and Kadir Has Universities.
He was a host on various TV programmes about cinema and he has been a consultant for movie and TV series. He is a founding member of the IPS Communication Foundation and Executive Board. He is a Rolling Stones and Marianne Faithfull fan. (YT/EKN/SD)