New Journal: “Feminist Politics”
The cover subject was “Neoliberalism, AKP and Female Labour”, and there were articles by Filiz Karakuş, Nurcan Özkaplan, Necla Akgökçe, Hülya Osmanoğlu, and Yelda Yücel on this theme. There were interviews with Ailsa McCay, Ece Kocabıçak and Selin Çağatay.
The issue also contains contributions on modern art and feminism, the upcoming local elections, violence towards women, sexual harrassment/ rape and the media, trials of women committing murders, homophobia, women’s rights, the headscarf, motherhood, victims of urban transformation, the “Purple Needle” campaign (encouraging women to fight back against sexual harrassment in public spaces) and women’s shelters.
Other contributors to this issue are:
Zelal Yalçın, Hasbiye Günaçtı, Tuğba Baykal, Şöhret Baltaş, Melda Yaman Öztürk, Meriç Eyüboğlu, Gülnur Acar Savran, Asuman Türkün, Canan Yıldız, Fatoş Hacıvelioğlu, Selin Nakıpoğlu Akın, Ayşe Toksöz, Serpil Sancar, Gülümser Uğurlu, Feryal Saygılıgil, Evun Sevgi Okumuş, İlkbahar Atılgan, Cemre Baytok, Deniz Saltukoğlu, Bengisu Peker, Ceren Ayçenk, Deniz Gökçe, Şöhret Baltaş, Derya Divrikli, Perihan Meşeli, Lale Bakırezer. (EZÖ)