New food security bill may pave the way for censorship, 38 groups warn

"Freedom of expression about food can't be restricted"
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Thirty-eight organizations have launched a petition against some articles of an "omnibus law," which they say may be used as a legal basis for media censorship regarding food security issues.
According to Articles 28, 29 and 30 of the bill, the penalty for misleading publications and broadcasts will be 25,000 to 50,000 Turkish lira (2,500 to 6,300 US dollars).
False publications and broadcast on "all types of written, visual, audio and digital communication tools" that are not considered advertisement and that negatively affect consumption habits by causing concern, fear and distrust among consumers, says the bill.
This definition of misleading publications and broadcasts is "too broad and ambiguous," according to the rights defenders' petition on change. org.
"It is not clear what will be considered within the scope of misleading publications, who will be the people to make this assessment and whether they can make independent decisions," says the petition.
There are a number of things that cause concerns about food security among people, such as GMOs, pesticides, "halal food," veganism and vegetarianism and most of these issues are also "controversial" in science, it also notes.
Regardless of people and purposes, the organizations say, penalties can be imposed about everything on media and social media about the production and processing of food.
"Of course, there are many problems regarding food in Turkey. However, arranging the solution of the problem with prohibitions will not reduce the concern, fear and distrust about food among the public, on the contrary, it will increase them," the petition further says.
Also, if the law is enacted, it will prevent scientists, NGOs and professional chambers from fulfilling their "duty of public disclosure" by the means of censorship and self-censorship, according to the groups.
"We demand that the mentioned articles that will prevent access to reliable information be removed from the law and that mechanisms based on the public's right to information are supported," the statement said.
The petition was signed by the following groups: Buğday Ekolojik Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği, Çevre ve Arı Koruma Derneği – ÇARIK,, Türetim Ekonomisi Derneği, Yeşil Düşünce Derneği, Yeryüzü Kooperatifi,, ÇEKÜL Vakfı, Genç Yeşiller, Kocaeli Ekolojik Yaşam Derneği, Yerel Tohum Derneği Marmaris Temsilciliği, SUYADER, AGRİDA Tarım ve Turizm Derneği, Bağlıca Eğitim Çevre ve Dayanışma Derneği, Kazdağı Doğal ve Kültürel Varlıkları Koruma Derneği, Yayla (Gola) Kültür, Sanat ve Ekoloji Derneği, Çukurova İnsan Tohum Toprak Atölyeleri, İstanbul Permakültür Kolektifi, Doğal Yaşam Derneği, Dört Mevsim Ekolojik Yaşam Derneği, Ortak Yaşam Ekososyal İşletme Kooperatifi, Çeşme Çevre PLATFORMU, Bergama Çevre Platformu, İzmir Çevre Gönüllüleri Platformu, Doğal Besin Bilinçli Beslenme, Güzel Gıda Topluluğu, Batı İzmir Topluluk Destekli Tarım Gıda Topluluğu (Bitot), HDK Emekliler ve Yaşlılar Meclisi, Antalya Ekoloji Meclisi, Arıköy Tüketim Kooperatifi, TarlaTaban, Yeşil Sol İklim Krizi Grubu, Doğa Derneği, MoniBostan, GETO (Gediz Gıda Topluluğu), Ayvalık Gıda Topluluğu, Ekolojik Tarım Organizasyonu Derneği, Tahtacıörencik Doğal Yaşam Kolektifi.