New Education Reforms Announced

High school entrance exams will be called off by the educational year of 2013-2014, Dinçer said.
"We are fundamentally changing the secondary education system," he said. "We are reducing the total number compulsory classes and designing new programs aiming to enchanted students' performance. We are currently planning how the secondary education will look like without entrance exams."
Education minister also mentioned their efforts in collaborabtion with TUBITAK, Turkish Science and Technical Research Institute, to improve the educational quality in the schools for students with superior intelligence.
No more cram schools
Announcing that cram schools will be nullified by 2013, Dinçer promised further explanation in the months to come. "We are also taking measures for high school students to help them cope with stress before the university entrance exam."
Kurdish lessons enrollments
25.000 students were enrolled in Kurdish lessons this year and 18.000 students have not dropped," Dinçer said on Tuesday in a conference related to life long learning. (YY)