New Cabinet Announced: 24 Men, 1 Woman

Prime Minister Erdoğan announced the cabinet of the 61. government of Turkey. The cabinet comprises of 25 ministers. According to the new list, there are six new members in the cabinet. Three ministers' office has been changed.
There is only one woman minister in the new cabinet. Erdogan said that Besir Atalay will be responsible from the "National Unity and Fraternity" project.
The ministers are:
Deputy Prime Ministers: Ali Babacan, Beşir Atalay, Bekir Bozdağ, Bülent Arınç.
Justice Minister: Sadullah Ergin
Family and Social Policies Minister: Fatma Şahin
Minister for European Union Affairs: Egemen Bağış
Science, Industry and Technology Minister: Nihat Ergün
Labor and Social Security Minister: Faruk Çelik
Environment, and Urbanization Ministry: Erdoğan Bayraktar
Foreign Affairs Minister : Ahmet Davutoğlu
Economy Minister: Zafer Çağlayan
Energy and natural Resources Minister: Taner Yıldız
Youth and Sports Minister: Suat Kılıç
Food, Agriculture and Livestock Minister: Mehdi Eker
Customs and Trade Minister: Hayati Yazıcı
İnterior Affairs Minister: İdris Naim Şahin
Development Minister: Cevdet Yılmaz
Culture and Tourism Minister: Ertuğrul Günay
Finance Minister: Mehmet Şimşek
National Education Minister: Ömer Dinçer
National Defense Minister: İsmet Yılmaz
Forestry and Water Works Minister: Veysel Eroğlu
Health Minister: Recep Akdağ
Transportation Minister: Binali Yıldırım
Three-term National Defense Minister Vecdi Gönül was replaced with İsmet Yılmaz.
The Woman and Family Ministry changed both its name and minister. It was replaced by the Family and Social Policies Ministry and Selma Aliye Kavaf will hand her office over to Fatma Şahin.
Suat Kılıç was named as the new Youth and Sports Minister instead of Nafız Özak.
The former National Education Minister Nimet Cubukcu was not appointed to any office and replaced by Fatma Şahin. (NV/ÖD)