Nationalist Sign Removed in Diyarbakır

Diyarbakır Governor’s Office ordered the removal of a sign saying “How happy is the one who says I am Turk”, a city landmark installed after Turkey’s 1980 Military Coup.
Located in approximate with Diyarbakır Governor’s Office in İnaloğlu Street, the sign also included an ornament of watermelons - the symbol of Diyarbakır.
During the removal last night, several onlookers and pedestrians turned the moment eternal by taking pictures.
Around a month ago, Diyarbakır Bar Association advocate Mahsuni Karaman submitted an official request to Diyarbakır Governor’s Office regarding the removal of the sign.
In 2012, a similar request has also been requested by Mine Lök Beyaz, AKP Diyarbakır deputy. (NV/BM)
* Click here to read the original article in Turkish.