Nationalist Movement Party executive threatens journalist Şirin Payzın on Twitter

*Şirin Payzın
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Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Central Executive Committee member Selami Şişman has threatened renowned journalist and TV host Şirin Payzın in a Twitter message where he shared the obituary of her father.
Calling Payzın a "rootless sewerman from the other side of the water," apparently referring to Greece, Şişman said, "This is the end for what you have done and will do in the Turkish land. As the Turk's roots wrap you, you'll go mad, you won't be able to breathe."
Şişman's threats came after Payzın's comments on MHP Chair Devlet Bahçeli's remarks against those who criticize the government about the August 30 Victory Day celebrations.
Bülbül yuvasının ,kapana kısılmış,suyun öbür yakasının köksüz ,lağımcıları,Türk vatanında yaptıklarınız ,yapacaklarınız İçin anlayacağınız dilden THE END ,Türk'ün kökleri sizleri sardıkça kuduracaksınız,nefes alamayacaksınız,
— Selami Şişman (@selamisisman) August 31, 2020
Sending a circular to all governorates, the Ministry of Interior had canceled the celebration events for the Victory Day, which led to criticism from the opposition as President and AKP Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Bahçeli together attended the celebrations marking the Battle of Manzikert on August 25.
In response to criticisms, Bahçeli had said, "Some rootless politicians' slanders that 'They celebrated Manzikert and banned August 30' are not only an insult against our ancestors but also treason against the homeland and the nation."
In a tweet, Payzın said, "Rootless politicians? The wording is really unbelievable."
She posted another tweet after being threatened by the MHP's Şişman, saying that "He used my father's obituary in the message he sent to me. He also threatens me. If I sue him, I will have given credit to this immoral person."
"I am not scared! Threaten me as much as you want! This person who threatens me using my father's obituary is at the party's board. He dares [to threaten me] because there is no reason not to do so. There is no law, morals left," she added. (HA/VK)