National Security Council: We Will Use Right of Self-Defense in Syria

* Photograph: Murat Çetinmühürdar - Ankara/Presidency-AA
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A declaration has been released after the National Security Council (MGK), which convened under the chairpersonship of President and Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the capital city of Ankara yesterday (November 27).
The declaration has emphasized that "no fait accompli will be tolerated in Syria and the right of self-defense will be used."
Here are some of the highlights from the declaration issued after the five-hour National Security Council meeting, where a series of domestic and international issues regarding the security of Turkey were discussed:
* As it has been confirmed again, the fact that some countries do not deem project terrorist organizations FETÖ/PDY* and PYD/YPG**, which are the extensions of the PKK/KCK** in Syria, as terrorist organizations have been causing great harm to struggle against terrorism on a global scale.
* It has been stated that the biggest obstacle in the way of a political solution in Syria is the terrorist structure in the east of Euphrates.
* With the emphasis that no fait accompli will be tolerated in Syria and the right of self-defense will be used, it has been strongly stressed that Turkey will not remain insensitive to changes in the demographic structure of the region effected by the PKK/PYD-YPG, which have been tyrannizing the local community and forcing them to emigrate.
* The will to develop cooperation in all fields, especially in security, has been confirmed with the new government of Iraq.
* The operations undertaken by the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) against the presence of PKK/KCK terrorist organizations, which pose a threat to Turkey's national security, in Iraq will continue.
Aegean and Cyprus
* It has been confirmed that no development against the rights and interests of Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will be allowed. (EKN/SD)
* FETÖ/PDY: Fethullahist Terrorist Organization/ Parallel State Structure, which is held responsble for staging the failed coup on July 15, 2016
** PYD/YPG: Democratic Union Party/ People's Protection Units
*** PKK/KCK: Kurdistan Workers Party/ Kurdistan Communities Union