National Security Council Targets Kurdish Demands

The National Security Council stated that the proposals of democratic autonomy and bilingual language, brought up by the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) and the Democratic Society Congress, may not be discussed.
"The absolute belief that istigations and initiatives that target our state's indivisible integrity with its country and nation and that target peace, will not be able to come through in the face of our nation's will to live brotherly, was expressed once again," said the press statement following the meeting yesterday.
"In this framework, it was stated that it is very important to abstain from approaches that could cause public indignation and harm democracy, the development of individual rights and freedoms, social peace and feelings of brotherhood and to act with responsibility. In this respect, it was also emphasized that no initiative to change the 'single flag, single nation, single country, single state,' approach and the fact that the official language of the Republic of Turkey, which constitutes one of our common grounds, is Turkish, will be accepted. "
In the MGK statement, it was emphasized that "the multifaceted and far-reaching fight to eliminate terrorism and the ambient that it feeds from, will continue with the same determination." The statement also included assessments about Cyprus and Iraq.
On the other hand, BDP had stated that they do not demand Kurdish to become the official language, and DTK said that they put forward the proposal of democratic autonomy only so that it could be discussed in society.
President Abdullah Gül, who presides over the MGK, which brings together the government and the commanders of the Turkish Armed Forces, is going to Diyarbakır today, for a two-day visit. (EÜ)