National Defense University Established, Supreme Military Council Changed
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Certain changes have been made as to structure of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) within frame of the third statutory decree.
Dismissals from the Turkish Armed Forces
1,389 staff members have been dismissed from the TSK on charge of “being connected, linked or affiliated with the Fethullahist Terror Organization which is determined to pose threat against national security”.
Of the dismissed 1,389 staff members, 1,196 are from the Gendarmerie Commandership. Besides, there are 125 commissioned and 68 noncommissioned officers among the dismissed.
President Erdoğan’s Chief aide-de-camp Colonel Ali Yazıcı, Chief of General Staff Hulusi Akar’s aide-de-camp Lt. Col. Levent Türkkan and Minister of National Defense Fikri Işık’s Chief of Cabinet Colonel Tevfik Gök as well took place among the dismissed.
By the statutory decree, military hospitals and Service Commands are assigned to the Ministry of National Defense.
Structure of the Supreme Military Council Changed
The Supreme Military Council (YAŞ) will consist of Prime Minister, Chief of General Staff, Vice PMs, Minister of Justice, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Interior, Minister of National Defense and commanders-in-chief.
The members of the council before the Decree were fixed as PM, Chief of Staff, Minister of National Defense, commanders-in-chief, Gendarmerie Forces Commander, Navy Commander and full generals and full admirals.
The council’s secretary services are taken from the Deputy Chief of the General Staff and assigned to the Ministry of National Defense.
National Defense University is established
A new university called “National Defense University” is formed within the body of the Ministry of National Defense. The university will consist of the institutes newly founded to train staff officer and provide graduate education, land, navy and air force academies, and noncommissioned vocational schools. (ÇT/TK)