Music Village in İstanbul

Project team and musicians of Turkey’s first “Music Village” found in Yanıklar village of Fethiye District are going to be in İstanbul until December 4.
Series of activities conducted in various places consist of conversational interviews, presentations and concerts.
What is Music Village?
“Music Village” has arisen on August 25-30 in Yanıklar village of Fethiye district of Muğla Province. 17 local and professional musicians have taken part in Turkey’s first music village project.
The Village has hosted over 60 guests including participants from countries like Austria and Israel besides Turkey. During activities performing mainly upon Anatolian music traditions, also workshops have been carried out on zeibek dance, soundpainting and building music instruments like üçtelli (three strings), bağlama (three double strings), kaval (end-blown flute), ney (reed flute), zurna (shrill pipe), def (tambourine), kopuz (fretless string instrument), perdesiz gitar (fretless guitar), kabak kemane and hegit gizi.
“Music Village” brought into action by Anatolian Cultures Research Institution identifies itself as an output of a notion which “takes indissoluble bonds of nature and music as baseline and believes that the realest music can be produced through being close to nature.”
This notion aims that local and professional music masters conduct master-apprentice music lessons with music lovers, archaic Anatolian strings don’t sink without a trace and be handed down to the young generations by local masters, and to realize a collective musical life where various music disciplines and traditions find voice together and get strength from each other.
Musicians of the “Music Village”: Ali Ulutaş (Üçtelli), Gülay Diri (Def, Ses), Mehmet Günay ESER (Üçtelli, Bağlama), Eren Şahin (Üçtelli, Kopuz), Adem Tosunoğlu (Bağlama)
The team had his first concert yesterday in İTU (İstanbul Technical University)
December 2, 2015 Wednesday
20:00 Avcılar Belediyesi Gelenekten Evrensele Müzik Köyü Konseri (From Tradition to Universal Music Village Concert)
Barış Manço Kültür Merkezi Avcılar
3 December 2015 Thursday
14:30 İstanbul Üniversitesi Etnomüzikoloji ve Folklor Anabilim Dalı Söyleşi/Dinleti (Conversational Interview and Concert - İstanbul University Head Department of Ethnomusicology and Folklore)
Barış Manço Kültür Merkezi Kadıköy
4 December 2015 Friday
20:00 Maltepe Belediyesi Gelenekten Evrensele Müzik Köyü Konseri (From Tradition to Universal Music Village Concert)
Türkan Saylan Kültür Merkezi Maltepe
(NV / DG)
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