Museum Project Discussed, not Resignation, According to Ankara Mayor Gökçek’s Statement

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Ankara Mayor Melih Gökçek and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan met last night (October 5).
It has been alleged for some time that Gökçek, who is mentioned among the mayors who are reportedly asked to resign, wanted an appointment with Erdoğan.
The meeting lasted around three hours.
Statement via Twitter
No statement for the press was issued following the meeting, however, Gökçek made a statement on his Twitter account:
“I’ve presented all details of the museum to be built in front of the [Presidential] Palace to Mr. President”.
What happened?
It was stated in a report broadcasted on Kanal D TV channel on Monday (October 2) that President Erdoğan reportedly asked for the resignation of some Justice and Development Party (AKP) mayors.
Ankara Mayor Melih Gökçek, Bursa Mayor Recep Altepe, Balıkesir Mayor Ahmet Edip Uğur, Uşak Mayor Nurullah Şahan, Niğde Mayor Faruk Akdoğan and Nevşehir Mayor Hasan Ünver were mentioned in the news report.
In response to journalists’ question concerning Gökçek being asked for his resignation, Erdoğan responded:
“There is no such thing at the moment but it doesn’t mean that it won’t happen. We will live this change and transformation until the election”.
On October 5, making a statement on his return from his trip to Iran, President Erdoğan said, “Everything is good when one is brought to a post, but why asking them to leave is found odd?”. (HK/TK)