Museum of Shame Opens in Ankara

Turkey’s Museum of Shame opened its doors at Çankaya Municipality Contemporary Arts Center in Ankara.
Collections assembled by Devrimci 78’liler Federation, this year’s slogan became “Freedom and Hopes Still Standing”.
Thee collection will exhibit items like Mahir Çayan’s sweater as well as instruments of torture, letters from Mamak Prison and banned books. There will also be tabouret from the execution of Deniz Gezmiş, Hüseyin İnan and Yusuf Aslan - Turkey’s student leaders facing death sentence in the 1970s.
This year’s panels include topics of Armenians, child inmates, press freedom, women revolution in Rojava, migration and health, sick inmates, September 12 Coup, Alevis and Palestine as well as movie screenings and photo exhibitions.
The collection will include photos of violence against press members and clothes of assassinated journalists. It will also expose the gory clothes of Uğur Kaymaz (12) from Mardin province, a police violence victim in 2004.
There will also be clothing items of victims from the massacres in Rojava, Palestine and Soma.
The museum will also tell the story of Gezi Resistance with photos submitted across Turkey. Gas bomb canisters, gas masks and other items related to police violence will be shown as well.
The collection will also demonstrate the personal belongings of those who were killed during Gezi Resistance including Ethem Sarısülük, Ali İsmail Korkmaz, Mehmet Ayvalıtaş, Abdullah Cömert and Medeni Yıldırımın supported with videos.
The museum will be open until September 22. (YY/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.