Musa Anter Awards Ceremony Held Despite Ban by Sub-Governorship
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25th Musa Anter Awards Ceremony to be organized at Taksim Hill Hotel in İstanbul was held at the Human Rights Association (İHD) after it was banned by the Beyoğlu sub-Governorship two hours before the ceremony.
The decision of ban was protested ahead of the ceremony in front of the İHD. Republican People’s Party (CHP) MP Sezgin Tanrıkulu, former Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) MP Levent Tüzel, Labor Party (EMEP) Chair Selma Gürkan, Free Journalists Initiative Spokesperson Hakkı Boltan, Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DİSK) Press Labor Chair Faruk Eren and many journalists were also at the İHD.
The sub-Governorship had banned the ceremony citing the State of Emergency as the reason.
The award winners
In the category of Turkish news report, closed dihaber reporter Deniz Tekin took the award with his report titled “The police who committed a theft during the house was caught on camera”.
Jury’s Special Award was granted to Erk Acarer from BirGün daily with the report titled “FSA gave TAF’s tank to ISIS”, Eylem Nazlıer from Evrensel daily with the report titled “Horrible scene in the Anatolian event”, reporter Rıfat Doğan with the report titled “Population of the islands will increase five times: Permission granted for facilities and duplex floor to ground floors in 2B lands” in the category of Turkish news report.
In the category of Kurdish news report, Cihan Ölmez from dihaber was granted the award for his report titled "Li Şirnexê skandalek çêbû: Zarokê 14 salî ji girtigehê bi îşkenceyê birine cihê operasyonê!".
In the category of journalism on women, the award went to Şilan Özhan and Şehriban Aslan from the closed Newspaper Sujin with their report titled “Batman remains silent, child spoke: Children are forced to prostitution”.
Jury’s special award went to the report titled “Guleya yekem a Şengalê: Jipênûse Nujiyanê, çiroke Gulê”, which was prepared by Nujiyan Erhan before she lost her life in the attack in Sinjar, and then completed by Jinda Asmen, in the category of journalism on women.
In the category of caricature, the award went to Musa Kart, who has been detained on remand for nine months as part of the Cumhuriyet probe.
In the category of photograph, Abdurrahman Gök from dihaber was granted the award due to the photo titled "Naked Execution" taken as Kemal Kürküt was shot to death by police as he attempted to go to the Newroz Park.
Since 1993
Musa Anter and Free Press Martyrs Awards were granted by newspapers “Özgür Gündem” in 1993, by “Özgür Ülke” in 1994, by “Yeni Politika” in 1995, by “Demokrasi” in 1995, by “Ülkede Gündem” in 1997 and 1998, by “Özgür Bakış” in 1999, by “2000’de Yeni Gündem” in 2000, by “Yedinci Gündem” in 2001 and 2002, by “Yeniden Özgür Gündem”, by “Ülkede Özgür Gündem” in 2004, 2005 and 2006, by “Gündem” in 2007, by “Alternatif” and “Azadiya Welat” in 2008, by “Özgür Gündem” and “Azadiya Welat” in 2010-2011-2012-2013, by “Özgür Gazeteciler Cemiyeti” Özgür Gündem” and “Azadiya Welat” in 2014, by “Özgür Gazeteciler Cemiyeti” in 2015-2016, and by “Özgürlükçü Demokrasi” in 2017.
Who is Musa Anter?
Musa Anter was murdered at the age of 72 in an armed assault on September 20, 1992 in Turkey’s southeastern province of Diyarbakır. He was writing at Özgür Gündem daily and Yeni Ülke weekly. (NV/TK)
This publication has been produced within the partnership with Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso for the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), co-funded by the European Commission. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of media partner IPS Communication Foundation and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
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