More young women applied to Mor Çatı Women's Shelter in 2020

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Young women's application to the Mor Çatı Women's Shelter Foundation because of being subjected to violence increased in 2020, according to its annual report.
One of the reasons for the increase in young women's applications was the fact that universities switched to remote education during the pandemic and students had to return to their families' homes, says the report.
The experiences shared by young women showed that "the patriarchal system is reproduced at home, women's lives, lifestyles and behavioral codes are interfered with and violence is used as a means control to do all of these," the report notes.
Genç kadınların başvuruları arttı. Özellikle pandemiden dolayı üniversitelerin uzaktan eğitime dönmesi ve genç kadınların aile evine dönmek zorunda kalması, kadınların kök ailelerinden yaşadıkları şiddete dair bize başvurmalarına sebep oldu.
Here are some figures from the report:
• Among the applicants, 145 were divorced, 225 were not married, 20 had unofficial religious marriage, husbands of 10 of them died, one was a second wife, 695 were married and two were engaged.
• Out of 3,936 interviews in total, 1,687 were made with first-time applicants.
• 83 percent of the interviews were made with the applicants themselves while 297 had other people to talk for the interviews.
• The foundation received 1,267 applications by phone, 395 applications via email, 24 applications in person and one application by a letter.
• The oldest applicant was 75 years old and 10 women were above 65 years of age.
• Five children younger than 15 either directly reached the foundation or had other people to contact the foundation for them.
• The acts of violence came from: 844 husbands, three sisters, 55 ex-partners, 54 other people (nine neighbors, eight colleagues), 81 family members, 97 fathers 28 strangers, 57 ex-husbands, 11 organizations, 64 partners, seven children, 30 brothers, 16 relatives.
• The types of violence: Psychological (1,164 women), stalking (61), physical (849), digital (44), economical (374), dating (8), sexual (197). (EMK/VK)