More Detentions for DTP

Following an early-morning police raid of the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP) province headquarters in Istanbul today (17 April), the police has taken province party chair Halil Aksoy and four other people into custody, according to Ntvmsnbc.
Yesterday, members of the DTP had protested against the recent detention of 53 party members and Aksoy had made a press statement at Galatasaray Square in Taksim, central Istanbul.
He had said that this approach meant that the peaceful political approach without violence was being marginalised.
Punishment for choosing non-violent politics
He interpreted the detentions as a punishment for the party’s success in the recent local elections.
Aksoy pointed out that the fellow party members who were taken into custody in Diyarbakır, the city where the DTP had won with its highest result, had been involved in the election campaign.
“Such an attitude, at a time when democracy and peace are being discussed more intensely, leads to political tension and disaster…Whoever was taken into custody, that is us, if they are PKK members, then so are we…They did nothing bad, they made efforts with democratic politics. Let there be an end to extrajudicial attacks and let our friends in custody be released.”
The province chair said that the detentions were “a complete provocation” at a time when two young men died in clashes with the police during a march to the natal village of Abdullah Öcalan, and when the military wing of the PKK had announced the continuation of a unilateral ceasefire until June.
Among those supporting the press statement with their presence were Prof. Gencay Gürsoy, president of the central council of the Turkish Medical Association (TTB), Prof. Tahsin Yeşildere, president of the University Lecturers’ Association, DTP Diyarbakır MP Akın Birdal, Ertuğrul Kürkçü from the Socialist Labour Movement, Hakan Öztürk, chair of the Labour Movement Party, Celalettin Can, spokesperson for the 78’ers Foundation, and Kamil Tekin Sürek, deputy chair of the Labour Party (EMEP).
Other organisations have separately condemned the detentions of 53 people. The Human Rights Association (İHD) and the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TİHV) have issued a joint statement in which they have called for the release of those in custody.
They said that the detentions represented a violation of the freedom to be politically active, the freedom of expression and the freedom of association.
“It is the most natural right of Kurdish politicians to organise with methods that do not involve violence and to be active in politics.”
The Diyarbakır Bar Association has also expressed its worry at the operation, particularly at the confidential nature of the investigation, which means that those in custody and their lawyers cannot find out what they are being detained for.
Bar Association president Mehmet Emin Aktar has called for a lifting of the secrecy, as well as for the immediate release of two members of the bar who have been taken into custody. (EK/EÖ/TK/AG)