Mor Çatı Foundation: 'Feminism Empowers Women'

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Mor Çatı Women's Shelter Foundation has said, "Now, girls are born into a world that they can draw strength from the feminist legacy," in a statement on the occasion of the March 8 International Women's Day.
Full text of the statement is as follows:
"As a feminist organization that struggles against male violence, we have been witnessing the violence and oppression that women are subjected to since 1990. As the solidarity that we formed with feminist methods shows us what can be the cost of male violence for women's lives, it also teaches us what women, empowered with solidarity, can do.
"We see that the rights we gained through hard struggles have themselves became a new field of struggle. Even the expression 'gender inequality' is wanted to be removed; by this, it is being tried to disregard the source of the problem. The policies that say women to obey, that prevent them from empowerment are becoming widespread."
"The power of feminism reached women"
"Now, women know it is possible to get out of violence. The increase in the applications to the Mor Çatı by young women show that the power of feminism reached women, women know that they can make a new life by saying 'No!' to male violence. They know they have rights. They insist on their rights and struggle for them. Now, girls are born into a world that they can draw strength from the feminist legacy.
"With the strength and solidarity of women, we say, 'Long live our feminist struggle!' this year too.
"Take to the streets on March 8 for our solidarity that made our non-violent and free lives, and our irreversible feminist struggle!
"Long live women's struggle!" (EMK/VK)